جهاز مساج بيور ويف لاسلكي

الشركة المصنعة: TRest
عدد القطع المتوفرة: غير متوفر
تاريخ التسليم: التوصيل خلال 3 - 5 ايام عمل
يمكنك التحكم في قوة التدليك باستخدام متحكم السرعة مع 6 رؤوس للتدليك
2,100.00 ج.م.‏
1,550.00 ج.م.‏
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    Who Can Benefit?

    The list of benefits of an electric massager is long. So, let’s get to who can get benefited from a percussion and vibration massager in this part of Pure Wave massager review.Pure Wave CM7 Massager Reviews

    • Due to dehydration, inactivity, pregnancy, age, nerve compression, insufficient blood supply, and many more reason, we experience a muscle spasm. If you get muscle spasm in any part, you can get benefitted immediately.
    • Due to muscle cramp, minor injury, stress, overuse, or any other reason, we feel a little to agonizing pain in different parts of your body. You can also get benefitted using these massage therapies if you have muscle pain of any sort.
    • Due to calcium deficiency, age, injury, or any reason, we feel pain in our joints. If you have joint pain, your pain can be relieved by massage.
    • Due to lifting a heavy load, inactivity, arthritis, or any reason, we feel agonizing back pain. It can be reduced using percussion massage therapy.
    • We face many issues due to insufficient circulation of blood. That issue can be solved using vibration massaging.
    • Due to our desk job or inactivity, we often get hurt as our muscles get inflexible. To restore flexibility, you can use these devices.
    • Due to many years of inactivity, our digestion system has become problematic. You can strengthen your digestive system by applying vibration around the digestive system.
    • Due to work or relationship stress, or lack of sleep and cause many problems to our body. The vibration massage can help you reduce stress and promote better sleep at night.

    Multiple Benefits of Pure Wave CM7 Massager:

    From that list above, you must have multiple points matched to your situation. Now, the solution is massage therapy. As you know the sessions taken by a therapist are costly, we suggest that you try an electric massager. Let’s find out what are the benefits of such massager.Pure Wave CM7 Massager

    • The percussion therapy helps remove muscle knots and spasm. Thus, your muscle pain gets reduced.
    • The vibration from the strong motors increases the level of serotonin in your body which ultimately makes you feel good and relaxed.
    • Again, the vibration helps reduce the stress and soothe you within minutes. It increases sound sleep and decreases the chance of getting muscle pain
    • As the percussion massage goes deep into the muscles, it restores the sensitivity of the motor function due to our inactivity.
    • The massages get our muscle stretched which removes stiffness and makes the muscles relaxed.
    • A major cause of muscle cramp or pain is improper blood circulation. The massager increases blood circulation in different parts of our body.
    • Another great advantage of using vibration massage is that you can melt some fat with it. Thus, it reduces your weight a bit.
    • As the fat burning, it has also seen effective around your stomach and intestine. Applying vibration can increase your metabolism.

    There are also some other benefits of these electric massagers. They are given below.

    • They are cordless which means rechargeable battery comes into play.
    • The long battery backup and lightweight gives them portability.
    • The high-speed precision motors are effective again pain and spasm without making any damage.
    • They are easy to use and have easy to reach a feature to any part of your body.
    • These are affordable with versatile use and durability.
    • The design is stylish and modern so that you don’t feel uncomfortable using it outside.

    Check details On Amazon

    PURE WAVE CM-07 Cordless Percussion Massager (Black)

    Pure Wave CM7 Massager ReviewAfter reviewing a lot of devices, we got settled with this one and we love it for its durability, versatility, massaging strength, and overall look. Apart from that, you can use it anywhere by charging it for 1 hour which gives you 180 minutes of backup.

    Moreover, its five of the six unique removable attachments can help you with minor aches and pains on the neck, back, legs and feet, muscle tension, knots, spasms, and stress.

    At last, there is good news for both men and women (especially women). You don’t have to go to parlor or saloon for a facial as the massager includes a facial massage stick. Also, you’ll find a scalp massage stick which will increase blood circulation and restore the health of your scalp and hair.

    PURE WAVE CM 07 Features:

    • The motor for percussion massaging can handle up to 3,700 RPM and the motor for vibration massaging can handle up to 10,000 RPM.
    • It is highly portable as it is cordless, weighs less than 3 pounds, and you can get going by charging it for one hour only.
    • The massager has a rechargeable battery of 7.2 volts which can support you for 180 minutes of continuous massage.
    • The speed of the motors can be controlled separately for different use cases and more effectiveness.
    • It has a stylish and sleek design considering easy-to-use, easy-to-hold, and easy-to-reach features.
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يستخدم فونيكس لتخفيف صلابة العضلات وجع ، تعزيز الدم والدورة الدموية اللمفاوية.

جهاز تأهيل الركبة بالتردد الحراري للتخلص من ألم خشونة الركبة

يقوم بعملية تسخين واحماء لجميع العضلات المحيطة بالركبة و خصوصا عضلات الفخذ الرباعية و التي تعد هي خط الدفاع الاول للركبة و هي المسئولة ليست فقط علي حماية الركبة من الصدمات و الحركات الخطأ المفاجئة او السقوط غير السليم او الالتواء بل ايضا هي المسئولة عن عمل الركبة و حركتها بطريقة سليمة في المشي و الانحناء و الجلوس و النهوض • سهولة استخدامه هي التي تجعل منه الحل الامثل لجميع الم الركبة. • • يعمل الجهاز بطريقتين • • • يعمل بالاشعة تحت الحمراء (infrared) مع مساج الدائري يفيد في عمل تدليك و تحسين و تنشيط الغضاريف و الاربطة و كذلك العضلات. • يقوم الجهاز بعمل تسخين لاطراف العضلات المحيطة بالركبة مما يؤدي لنشاط تلك العضلات و استعدادها التام لاي حركة مفاجأة. • يفيد الجهاز جميع الرياضيين او غير الرياضيين الذين يقومون باعمال تعتمد علي الحركة و كبار السن الذين يشتكون من اثار تقدم السن. • يجب استعمال الجهاز لمدة 10 الي 20 دقيقة قبل بداية اي عمل او تمرين او حركة سيساعدك علي تأدية جميع اعمال بسهولة و يسر و ستلمس الفرق من اول استخدام.

جهاز مساج القدم الدائري

هذا الجهاز الفريد من ونوعه يقضي علي الام القدم و الساقين الناتجة عن المشي او ارتداء الحزاء لفترات طويلة و يعمل علي تقلل نسبة كبيرة من تشنجات القدم لانه يعمل علي تنشيط الدورة الدموية , بما ان راحة الجسم تبدء بالقدمين فهو اختيارك الامثل

وسادة مساج و تدليك الرقبة تعمل في السيارة والمنزل

وسادة المساج و التدليك للتخلص من الام الرقبة و الكتف و الظهر و تنشيط الدورة الدموية و تدليك القدمين و تعمل بالتدفئة و الحرارة مما يساعد على الاسترخاء و الراحةو يمكن استخدامها بالمنزل و السيارة بحيث تعمل على ولاعة السيارة , سهل الحمل و الاستخدام

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